

Whakauru mai!


Matoro mai!





Journey of formation and discovery



To be a Methodist is to be Connexional



Learning and Living Together

The Lotu Factor: Faith, COVID-19 and Tongan Wellbeing in NZ

Upcoming Important Dates:


15 January 2024: College Year Begins

15-17 January: Enrolment & Registration

25-27 January: Staff Retreat & Planning

Block 1 (Summer): BBS612 Bible & Tiriti | 30 Jan - 2 February 2024 (JH & TR)
This course begins with a brief exploration of early Christian missionary contact with Māori in Aotearoa and the translation of Te Paipera Tapu. It will examine the role that the Bible (and Christian missionaries) played in the creation and translation of Te Tiriti of Waitangi, particularly in relation to the notion of kawenata/covenant. It will explore the way in which the Bible was used to support British colonial expansion in Aotearoa and the way in which Māori subsequently employed biblical texts to denounce the injustices that accompanied the numerous instances where the treaty was breached. Finally, in light of this history, we will explore the obligation of contemporary Christians in Aotearoa to commit themselves to the process of healing and restoration in relation to bicultural partnership in this land.
Block 2 (Summer): BMS520 Mana Tiriti: Treaty & Church | 1-6 February 2024 (TR)

This course begins by exploring the role of church societies in the establishment and development of Te Tiriti o Waitangi 1840. Students will examine and analyse institutional church approaches to contemporary Treaty issues, with a focus on whenua (land) and reconciliation. Students will also examine the roles and responsibilities pf justice seeking churches and their commitment to bicultural, Te Tiriti-based relationships.

23-24 February: College Orientation

25 February: Sevice of Beginnings

Block 3: BTS510 Intro to Theological Studies | 4-8 March (Dr George Zachariah)
This course will survey the landscape of theological studies to give students an overall understanding of the field, and its development over the years; to introduce students to basic beliefs of the Christian tradition, and to enable them to do critical theological thinking and reflection on public and contextual issues.
Block 4: BMS510 Te Ao Tawhito | 18-22 March (Te Aroha Rountree)
This course examines and explores the world through a distinctively Māori/Moana lens, where Māori /Moana language and tikanga take precedence. Students will examine the impacts of European contact on Māori/Moana societies, highlighting specifically the role of Church Missionary Societies in colonisation. Students will apply critical analysis to the Māori prophetic movements of the nineteenth century as social and political mediums of protest against colonial oppression.
TALANOA OCEANIA 2024: Indigeneity: Belongings & Subversions | 4-6 April (UTC, Parramatta)
This talanoa provides a place and space for inspiring the imagination in exploring and celebrating the richness, diversity and complexity of our Pasifika cultures and how Indigeneity informs (or challengers) the notion of belongings and inspires subversions. We invite proposals that explore and interrogate how the theme and subthemes intersect (or not) to inform, disrupt, shape, influence (or hinder) engagement with the world and/or subversions through the creation of new knowledge, thinking and praxis.

Mid-semester Break | 13-28 April 2024

SYMPOSIUM: reWeaving Theological Education| 24-25 May (Trinity & St John's College)
Block 7: BTS520 Re-storying Christianity I | 27-31 May (Dr Gladson Jathanna)

This course retells the story of Christianity from the first century CE to the Reformation era, and pays close attention to the development of the Christian tradition, key theological debates, schisms, and issues that shattered the unity of the movement.

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