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Applications for Enrolment
Enrolments for Trinity College programmes for 2021 is now open. The enrolment period for semester 1 will be closed on the last day of the month of February 2021. Once the enrolment period is closed no further enrolments will be taken for the first semester except for interest papers. Enrolments for interest papers will only be accepted up until 3 months prior to the commencement of the paper.
Please note: All students must be NZ citizens or residents. Trinity College students are not eligible for Study Link or Student allowances.
All students who enrol in a programme of Trinity College will be given an orientation into the college.
How do I enrol?
To enrol at Trinity College, you must complete the following process
1. Check if your eligible for admission
- You must be at least 16 years old by the first day of classes
- You must be a New Zealand citizen or resident
- You must meet the required English level
2. Check the entry requirements of the programme you wish to enter
- Check the entry requirements for each programme
4. The Academic Registrar will process your application
- If you meet all the criteria for entry you will receive notification of acceptance into the programme or;
- a request for additional documentation before your application can be accepted or;
- you will receive information in regards to your application being declined
3. Complete an application form and submit it to the Academic Registrar by the due date
- Make sure you include all the relevant documentation when you submit your application form
5. Select your papers for the next semester
- Check for any prerequisites
- Check timetables
- Check how many hours are required for the papers you want to study and choose wisely
6. Course approval
- You will receive confirmation of enrolment into your chosen papers
- You will receive a log in for the online classroom
- You will receive an invoice for your course fees
Enrolment Forms & Handbook
To enrol, there are two forms to complete and submit together: (i) E-Learning Ready and (ii) Application form. Please read each form carefully and make sure you give us the correct information. Click on each form to download.
Ready to send us your application?
Click here to begin