Why Trinity
We are a learning community who are committed to the Methodist ethos. We will provide for you the best educational opportunities that we can, from the resources that we have.
Our courses and papers are for all people interested in theological education and who are passionate about the practice of ministry in contemporary society.
Students will find Trinity College a stimulating environment. Tuition is in small, lively classes and parish placements. There is a strong emphasis on developing both creative thinking and rigorous theological reflection.
There are many options to explore.

Educational Aims
The educational aims of Trinity College are to:
- provide educational opportunities relevant to the needs of individual students
- provide educational opportunities relevant to the needs of the Methodist Church of New Zealand
- prepare people for ministry, both lay and ordained
- relate education in the formal disciplines of Theology to the practice of ministry, through processes of ministry formation and theological reflection.
Trinity College is an NZQA registered provider.
Our Graduate Profile
It is envisaged that by the end of your training you will fit our graduate profile which is:
- a strong sense of personal identity with a good understanding of the distinctive nature and ethos of Methodism
- a strong biblical/theological grounding and a developed and mature Christian faith
- an ability to engage cross-culturally and be socially and politically aware
- an ability to utilise practical church management and servant leadership skills
- a commitment to life-long learning with an ability to be a forward thinker